School Council

School Councils are important partners in education. School Councils provide a forum through which parents and other members of school communities can contribute to improving student achievement and well-being and enhance the accountability of the education system. 

Our School Council meets four times a year. Our School Council focuses on information sharing and discussion, and sometimes, how to improve student opportunities through fundraising. At each meeting, school administration provides an update on school- related activities and council members may identify topics of interest for presentation/discussion at future meetings or extra special interest sessions. 

The 2023-2024 School Council membership includes:

  • Chair: Judy Gerber-van Vliet

  • Secretary: 

  • Treasurer: Angela Macauley

  • Community Rep: Virginia Lewis

Meeting dates for this school year are;
September 27, 2023
November 20, 2023
February 26, 2024
June 6, 2024